Feel good Audio resources

Explore the timeless power of laughter and its wellbeing benefits on this page. Dive into a diverse collection of audio resources curated to educate, uplift and inspire.

Drawing on the wisdom of positive psychology, mindfulness, neuroscience and the therapeutic value of laughter, this evolving archive comprises radio interviews, podcasts, and free meditations.

Tune up your inner smile and explore the transformative effects of humour and laughter as one of the best medicines, unlocking the keys to a more joyous and resilient life.

Ros Ben Moshe holding her book The Laughter Effect

Free meditations

Body Scan

Your body is there for you day and night, but how often do you offer it thanks for all the hard work it does? This guided gratitude body scan takes you on a journey sharing gratitude for your whole body – the bits you love and even the bits you’re not so fond of.

Feel Good

Tap into your body’s source of feel good hormones – Endorphins. This meditation guides you on a journey into your own endorphins, signalling wellbeing, joy and even helping to manage pain. Embody your joy to make your inner smile shine more brightly.


Awaken your smile and get your endorphins flowing with this heartwarming smile meditation. A beautiful way to begin or end your day. Something positive for positive people. Let your smile be your guide to inner calm, peace and joy.


Imperfect Us

In this episode, we speak with Ros Ben-Moshe, an adjunct lecturer at the School of Public Health and Psychology at La Trobe University and Coordinator of the World First Laughter, Resilience, and Wellbeing Short course for professionals. 

Invisible wound

Ros is featured on the Invisible Wound podcast. The third season focus on the impact of collective transgenerational trauma on the body. 

GLobal joy

Ros and Joe discuss one of their favourite topics – joy. Hear more about what joy means to both Ros and Joe, and discover how the humble smile is one of the best ways to tune into this wellspring.

HUman kind

Join Belle and Josh as they discuss with Ros what it takes to maintain a positive attitude, and how to thrive in the most difficult of situations.

Why You Need to Laugh More

Laughter is nothing to laugh at. We all need laughter because the benefits of laughing a lot are tremendous – both physically and mentally. And after all, who doesn’t love a good laugh. Joining me to explain the science of laughter is Ros Ben-Moshe. She is an internationally recognized laughter, wellness, and positivity expert, adjunct lecturer at La Trobe University, where she has taught positive psychology and health promotion and she is author of the book


Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

Mission Evolution with Qwilda Wiyaka interviews Ros Ben Moshe.

10 Seconds To Air

Laughing is more than a physical response to something funny, laughter is an antidote for anxiety, stress, and other health issues. Studies show that people who have a sense of humor actually live longer!

Body + Soul

We’re taking a deep dive into the power of Laughter Yoga, especially helpful for dealing with the stress of the world right now. Positive wellbeing expert, author and La Trobe University researcher Ros Ben-Moshe discusses the power of intentional laughter for wellbeing.


Go on, laugh for the health of it, something positive for positive people. Ros discusses the power of intentional laughter – and laughing yoga – to boost wellbeing.

Go Well

Ros discusses with Cate Mercer , Editor of the “Art of Healing” why we should turn to laughter in our upended world. Enjoy this discussion about how an intentional laughter practice can support mental health, helping us joyfully and authentically connect with others. It’s also a great resource to promote resilience to stress.

Good Reading Podcast

In this episode Gregory Dobbs chats to Ros Ben Moshe about the science behind the healing power of laughter, finding and celebrating the humour in our lives, and discovering the pathway to a laughter mindset as the foundation for joy and wellbeing.


Changing the World One Laugh At A Time: In this captivating episode of THE POWER OF RE:VENTION, Kathi Sharpe-Ross chats with fellow Aussie, Ros Ben-Moshe, author of the newly released book, “THE LAUGHTER EFFECT: How to Build Joy, Resilience and Positivity in Your Life.”



ABC afternoons

🎙️ Dive into the world of laughter with my interview with Jacinta Parsons on ABC Afternoons 🤣. Join us as we explore the lighter and, yes, even the darker sides of laughter. Discover the fascinating insights, anecdotes, and the power of laughter for your wellbeing. We even explore the darker side to laughter! Tune in for a journey that’s both enlightening and entertaining! 😆

ABC afternoons

🎙️ Dive into the world of laughter with my interview with Jacinta Parsons on ABC Afternoons 🤣. Join us as we explore the lighter and, yes, even the darker sides of laughter. Discover the fascinating insights, anecdotes, and the power of laughter for your wellbeing. We even explore the darker side to laughter! Tune in for a journey that’s both enlightening and entertaining! 😆

ABC radio

Discover the secret to a laughter mindset as a pathway to joy and wellbeing. Tune into this lively and upbeat discussion about Ros’s new book, “The Laughter Effect – How to Build Joy, Resilience and Positivity in Your Life”. With Jacinta Parsons ABC Melbourne and Ros Ben-Moshe

The Velcro Couch

Join Ros in this fun chat with hosts Steph and Dan, we get a lowdown on this healthy high – laughter – and its benefits to mind, body and soul.

Discover the pathway to a laughter mindset as the foundation for joy and wellbeing. And how to tone down our brain’s inbuilt negativity bias, and grow humour, laughter and levity in our lives.

This podcast was recorded ahead of the launch of “The Laughter Effect – How to Build Joy, Resilience and Positivity in Your Life”

ABC RN Life Matters

Many of us could do with more joy and less stress in our lives but could laughing more help us achieve it?

After researching both the physical
and emotional benefits of laughter, internationally renowned laughter wellness and positivity expert, Ros Ben-Moshe, says we can all build more joy, resilience and positivity through laughter. 


In this interview, Ros discusses the new Laughter, Resilience and Wellbeing professional short course at La Trobe University and how these techniques can be introduced into your workplace. Discover how adding humour and laughter related therapies enhances mental health, resilience to stress and overall wellbeing.


In this upbeat interview Ros shares tips on turbocharging wellbeing through smiling, humour and laughter. It’s too important to leave it to chance.


In this uplifting interview Ros discusses how to get more humour and laughter into your every day.

Life Matters - Radio National

How can you access the lighter side of life when you’re facing adversity? In this interview Ros candidly talks about her experience with bowel cancer and the strategies and tools she came to rely on to enhance healing and create a positive mindset.

ABC brisbane

In this interview with Steve Austin on ABC Brisbane, Ros explores how we talk about and view illness and how changing your mindset can do wonders on your journey to health

Health report

Ros Ben-Moshe discusses whether laughter really is the best medicine and how we can get our daily dose? On Health Report with Dr Norman Swan, Radio National.

ABC Nightlife

Join Ros as she talks about her experience healing from bowel cancer, as documented in her memoir/healing guide, “Laughing at cancer – How to Heal with Love, Laughter and Mindfulness”. Ros discusses some of the techniques and strategies she drew on to promote positivity and wellbeing despite illness and a negatively loaded cancer diagnosis and how these can benefit other people.

Life Matters - Radio National

Whilst there is a science to masks reducing the spread of COVID, there’s also a science to humans sharing smiles. It can be hard to communicate an incidental smile or two if the bottom half of your face is swathed in fabric. But there are ways to let your outer and inner smile shine through, even during a pandemic. Discover the neuroscience of smiling and connection in this interview.


Sandra Moon interviews Ros Ben-Moshe about the many things we can do to help prevent a downward emotional spiral during challenging times. The key is drawing on things we can control by timetabling things you enjoy and give you a sense of meaning and purpose. This is one of the best antidotes to anxiety and fear.